New Iron Harvest Cinematic Trailer Makes The Horrors Of War Look Really Cool
In anticipation of the upcoming Iron Harvest beta test, Deep Silver released a new cinematic trailer for their game. Created by developer King Art Games, Iron Harvest is a real-time strategy game that takes place in an alternate post-WW1 Poland. But instead of tanks and planes, the armies of the post-Great War in Iron Harvest use steampunk mechas and power armor.

The cinematic Iron Harvest trailer is reminiscent of that not so joyful Soviet film, Come and See. Beginning in a quiet village, the trailer follows a young boy who loves playing with his iron mech toys. But when those same iron mechs come to capture his village, he finds himself under fire in the middle of no man’s land. No mechs land? Clearly, the boy is traumatized; having lost everything in a matter of minutes, he realizes that actual violence isn’t as enjoyable as the idea of conflict we superimpose in our heads. Perhaps gamers could learn something from this trailer. Perhaps not.

But it’s undeniable that the trailer is cool. There’s no gameplay but the trailer offers a lot you can expect, such as standard human units, walkers that look like rusty cans, and most notably, armored bear units. In any case, you can sign up for the Iron Harvest beta test by clicking the link here. And, you can wishlist or pre-purchase the game on Steam by clicking here.