World War Z Free On PC For Limited Time
Is the feud between the Epic Games Store and Steam still going on? I’m legitimately curious. It seems like a few months ago, all anyone could talk about was how EGS was destroying the industry. Wasn’t it so awful that big bad Fortnite company was bullying the poor small indie studio Valve! How dare the offer companies large sums of money for exclusivity on their free to download platform. You’ll have to download a whole new client and re-add your friends to play. What a tragedy. It seems that everyone has since moved on from the debate, almost like we all have something way more important to worry about now.
If you couldn’t tell, I couldn’t give two shakes of a duck’s dick about the Steam/EGS debate. I have Steam, I like Steam, and I am fully aware the market is better with some competition. Plus, the EGS gives you free games. Every week, a new game will be picked as the EGS free game. Recently, it’s actually been two games. And as of right now, it’s a whole four games. The one we’re here to talk about is World War Z. A relatively new zombie shooter from Saber Interactive, World War Z is a surprise addition to the free games lineup.

With everyone trapped indoors, it’s a great time for the game to go free. It normally retails for $35, so this is quite the savings. I’ve played quite a bit of World War Z myself, and have to say it’s definitely worth getting lost in. The special infected aren’t quite as robust as the special infected in Left 4 Dead, but WWZ makes up for it with far larger swarms. Zombies will pile on top of each other to make ladders, rain down from the sky, and charge after you in massive waves. The harder difficulties are truly a terrifying ordeal. The game is also frequently updated with new free content, with the only paid DLC so far being cosmetics. And hey, for the price of free, who can complain?

If you want to pick up World War Z for PC, you can click here to find it on the Epic Games Store. It’s also 75% off on the Xbox One with Deals with Gold. Move fast, as the deal ends April 2nd!