WORLD OF HORROR Update Brings New Mystery And New Endings
Just in time for Halloween, WORLD OF HORROR released an update with some new content. WORLD OF HORROR IS A GAME BY oops caps lock still on is a game by indie developer and DXP friend Panstasz. Contributor to the Dread X Collection 2 for their game The Thing in the Lake, Panstasz’s main project is an incredible Junji Ito inspired roguelite RPG. Perhaps one of the most horrific you may ever play.

WORLD OF HORROR takes place during the apocalypse. “The Old Gods are reawakening, clawing their way back into a world that’s spiraling into madness. In hospitals, abandoned classrooms, quiet apartments, and dark forests, strange appearances and unexplainable phenomena test the sanity of residents in Shiokawa, Japan.“ With turn-based roguelite combat, you must confront the horrors around you through several mystery stories. And of course, not lose your mind to the black abyss.

This latest WORLD OF HORROR update is called “Occult Capital of Japan.” It features “Spine-Chilling Story of School Scissors” and “Extracurricular Activity,” stories that presumably focus on a school. It also includes two new difficulties, the slightly easier “sceptic” and the slightly harder “harbinger of doom.” And of course, comes with good wishes of a safe and happy Halloween in the update note.

You can play WORLD OF HORROR on Steam by clicking here, with a 13% discount until November 2nd. And for more information, check out the website by clicking here.