World Of Darkness Hires Justin Achilli As New Creative Lead
Following the announcement of three huge upcoming games from their brand, World of Darkness is hiring a new creative lead. Justin Achilli has been an off-and-on contributor to the World of Darkness canon since 1996, and contributed greatly to the company’s success. Writing for both tabletop and video game RPGs, Achilli is a game designer of high acclaim.

For those who are unfamiliar with the brand, World of Darkness is the company behind several distinct but still somewhat connected RPG universes. They are best known for Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse. They have produced both tabletop RPGs as well as videogames.
“I’ve loved the World of Darkness since my then-girlfriend convinced me to get into it back in the 1990s. It led me into a career in games, and at every studio where I’ve worked I’ve met people who have themselves been long-time players,” Justin said, according to their press release. “I’m very excited to help deliver the future of WoD, as Paradox has the ability to realize games and other media that we simply didn’t have the means to accomplish in years prior. More than anything else, I’m looking forward to bringing this dark, mysterious world I love to an entirely new generation, and saying hello again to fellow Methuselahs who have been with us since ancient times.”

Justin is joining this role as three new games, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, and Wraith: The Oblivion, are in the works. While there is no release date for these titles, all three are highly anticipated by the World of Darkness community, with the latter title being an entirely new facet to their gaming library.

For more information about World of Darkness, you can check out their website by clicking here.