The Innsmouth Case Brings Spoopy Lovecraftian Horror To You Phone
You ever get the feeling that horror takes itself too seriously? Sure, we’re dealing with deranged psychopaths and vicious ghouls that sustain themselves on the blood of the innocent. But there’s no reason we can’t have a little fun with it. Just look at The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It ended with a roadside chainsaw happy dance. We’re all here to see people explode in piles of gore because it’s so much fun, Jan. No reason for it to be so dark and gritty all the time.

Luckily, The Innsmouth Case is coming to bring a little levity to your Lovecraft. Coming Spring 2020, developer Robot Pumpkin Games and Publisher Assemble Entertainment is a lighter look on the what lies in the dark depths of our most dreadful dreams. From the Official Press Release:

To solve the enigmatic disappearance of little Tabitha Marsh, the most clever detective is not only wanted but desperately needed. Unfortunately, that particular detective is busy, so the case goes to you! Pack your belongings and prepare to head to the remote fishing village of Innsmouth, as The Innsmouth Case awaits!
- Become one with the Lovecraftian world around you, as each and every decision you make has a permanent effect on the ongoing story
- The “interactive book” styled gameplay captivates with its perfect blend of offbeat humor and classic horror
- Your fate is entirely in your hands; a total of 27 possible endings are to be discovered. Are you saving the day – or are your days in Innsmouth, and the world, numbered?
- Explore 21st century Innsmouth, talk to more than 20 animated characters and solve the mystery of the disappearance of Tabitha Marsh

So before you ask, yes, it appears to be a visual novel. But it’s a fun and spoopy Cthulhu visual novel. Which is what I want on my phone. With 27 endings, it’s perfect for long trips with in-laws. The Innsmouth Case is coming sometime Spring 2020, and will be available on PC, Mac, iOS, and Android. If you want to know more, click here to check out the Steam store page.
Andrew Evanson
Ted Hentschke
Cute and Spooky. Spoopy.