Sally Face Hitting the Nintendo Switch Next Week
Today it was announced that Sally Face, the episodic adventure game about a young boy growing up, will be hitting the Nintendo Switch on January 21st.

The Nintendo Switch version of the game will feature all five episodes bundled together. The series was one of the earlier episodic games, and the final episode for it came out in 2019. Soon you’ll be able to play it on the go, and the game is available for pre-order now. You’re probably going to want to give it a shot too, as Sally Face is known as one of the best when it comes to horror adventure games.
If you missed the game, it originally launched on Steam back at the very end of 2016. It follows Sal “Sally Face” Fisher, a young boy that wears a prosthetic face and clearly has a tragic past. It’s an episodic title, and over the game’s five episodes you’ll watch Sally grow up, learning about his tragic past while also dealing with the challenges he faces in the real world. Along the way he’ll make friends, learn how to use the guitar, play video games, and, naturally, talk to ghosts using the power of video games.

You can grab Sally Face right now on PC, or the Nintendo Switch version when it launches on the 21st.