Predator: Hunting Grounds Free Weekend Coming March 27th
I’m still holding onto my hopes for a new AvP game. Say what you will about the single-player, but pitting Space Marines, Predators, and Xenomorphs against each other is the kind of asymmetric multiplayer bloodbath that makes the child inside me giddy. Until the world realizes the error of its ways, at least we have the upcoming Predator: Hunting Grounds to look forward to. I’ve been eager to check it out ever since I reported on the April 24th release date. It looks like I (and everyone else) will finally have that chance on March 27th.

Revealed earlier today in a post on the Playstation Blog, Charles Brungardt of developer Illfonics revealed the schedule for the open demo. “The Trial will be available to download on March 27 in Japan at 3pm JST, in Europe at 4pm GMT, and in North America at 5pm PST.” Predator: Hunting Ground will be available on the PS4 playable on PC with cross-play support. The trial will run through March 29th, so you’ll have to get your hands on it while you have the chance.

If the name Illfonics sounds familiar, you probably remember them as the team originally developing Friday the 13th: The Game. Having already proven they make a great game with a classic horror icon, I’m eager to see their take on the Predator. Predator: Hunting Grounds pits a group of soldiers against the titular planetary trophy hunter. So think less AvP and more the original Predator. If you want to find out more about the game, the blog post details what to expect, so head there and check it out.
Predator: Hunting Grounds launches on April 24th for the PS4 and PC through the Epic Games Store for $40. Click here to check out the EGS store page.
angela riley
so on my bday which is the 27 of march will it be on the ps4 or the epic game launcher to play the free trial