New DEEP SKY DERELICTS Station Life DLC Expands Your Home Base
Did you like Darkest Dungeon? Of course you did! Everyone liked Darkest Dungeon. That is, unless you viciously, vehemently, vocally reviled it. With its highly random hyper-difficult gameplay and no safety net, there’s very little middle ground for the audience. You either crave the challenge and beg daddy Dungeon to hurt you more, or feel that video games shouldn’t be torture. Still, the art’s pretty dope.
Well, the reason I bring up Darkest Dungeon is that Deep Sky Derelicts is most easily boiled down as a space Darkest Dungeon. I mean, it’s more than that, but just look at it. It’s Mignola as fuck. A turn-based tactical squad RPG, your team of various talents will delve through the darkest of derelicts to find treasure and complete quests. You loot stuff to upgrade your team so that you can loot more stuff and fight bigger bad guys.

Where the game diverges from Darkest Dungeon is in the deckbuilding element. Rather than have a loadout of static abilities you can select from each turn, you are dealt cards that represent specific abilities from your character’s deck. The deckbuilding adds a lot of meta-strategy that the normal dice rolls don’t. Overall, there’s a lot to see in the game and plenty of challenges for the most hardcore of gamers.

I’m not here to review Deep Sky Derelicts (though I probably will at some point). I’m here to tell you about the DLC. Today, Snowhound Games announced their newest DLC pack, titled Station Life. The second expansion for Deep Sky Derelicts, the DLC will be out tomorrow for $6.99. Click here to check out the Steam store page. The DLC focuses on expanding your home base, but also includes a new character class, timed challenges, and bounty contracts. Here’s a list of features from the Official Press Release:
- Give junk new life in the Crafting Workshop by turning old equipment into a new, powerful, tailored gear
- Character-augmenting Experimental Surgery Department and Neural Reprocessing Facility add-ons introduce more customization options for the party
- Random station encounters like brawling with rival scavenger crews, bargaining with shady dealers, and fending off raidering intruders make base management even more exciting
- New side missions to complete and a bunch of new NPC encounters to discover and enjoy
- A new playable class: Inventor – a sturdy, melee-combat oriented character that lacks shields but applies unique health regeneration abilities on the battlefield to compensate
- Six brand-new nasty enemy types of varied power and nature
- New equipment, bounty contracts, station environments, and more!

If you haven’t played Deep Sky Derelicts yet, head on over to the game’s Steam page and check it out. Normally available for $19.99, the game is just $6.79 right now as part of the 1C Entertainment sale. At that price, why not check it out? If you’re a fan, let me know what you think below!