Lust From Beyond Launching Just in Time for Valentines Day
If you’re going to make a game about an erotic cult and the demons there’s really only one day you can launch it. That day is, of course, Valentines Day. Lust From Beyond will be available right before it, with a planned February 11th release date.

The game, which is a sequel to 2018’s Lust for Darkness, has you playing as a man named Victor Holloway. He joins a cult with the purpose of trying to reach an otherworldly realm known as Lusst’ghaa, which he is constantly seeing in visions and dreams. Of course, you can’t join a lust cult without getting, well… lusty. There’s just a small problem that when you’re trying to reach an otherworldly realm of pleasure, you also attract a bunch of monsters. Now Victor needs to discover the secret of Lusst’ghaa while satisfying his lust.
While you’re waiting for the game to release, there’s not one but two different demos you can play. Lust From Beyond: Prologue and Lust From Beyond: Scarlet both serve as short stand alone experiences that introduces players to the world and gameplay elements of the main game. They’re also both free, which means you can try the game out for the low cost of only your time.

If you want to add Lust From Beyond to your wishlist, and play the demos, you can do so here. The game is launching on February 11th, 2021.