Latest Darkside Detective Trailer Shows New Wild Cases
If you’re going to investigate a mystery, The Darkside Detective is the way to do it. The original game offered up plenty of humorous horror cases to solve, and now the sequel looks to do the same.

The sequel, which is now going by the name The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark, will be launching with 6 cases. The new trailer gives us a look at the second and third case. One sees Detective McQueen and Officer Dooley investigating what looks like a demon invading a wrestling ring. The other case has the two of them heading to a retirement home, complete with flaming wheelchairs that move on their own. Both situations seem like they’re full of rather fantastic jokes.
If you haven’t gotten a chance to play the game yet, The Darkside Detective features a detective and his police officer sidekick who investigate paranormal activity. The original game took place over the course of nine episodes, with each episode being both a standalone story and contributing to the overall plot. The game was well-loved both for its clever adventure game presentation and also for its witty humor.

You can try a demo of The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark on Steam right now. The game is set to release some time in 2021.