I Saw Black Clouds Looks to Bring You an Interactive Horror Movie
Most horror games are games. I Saw Black Clouds is also a game, but it’s also an interactive horror movie where you may just not survive.

Announced today by Wales Interactive, I Saw Black Clouds is an interactive horror FMV game where you need to find answers to why your friend died. Of course, you quickly discover this may not be a mystery you want to poke too deep into, and before long main character Kristina finds herself dealing with all sorts of horrors. The game stars Nicole O’Neill, who you may recognize from Penny Dreadful, along with Rachel Jackson and Larry Rew.
While the entire game is an FMV, that doesn’t mean you won’t be doing things. Like many of these games, you’ll be making difficult choices that determine if your characters are going to live or die. Considering how I play horror games, many of them are going to die. Additionally, other characters will be making their own choices depending on the relationship you have with them. At any time you can pull up a relationship meter, which will tell you how characters feel. The game also has a streamer mode, where it will pause at the choices and let streamers discuss what to do next with fans.

If I Saw Black Clouds sounds like your jam, you can add the game to your wishlist here.