Doomguy Taking His Eternal Quest to Next-Gen Consoles
If you’ve been wondering if you can slay many demons with better graphics, wonder no longer. Today Bethesda has announced that Doom Eternal will be getting an upgraded version on both the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X. Now you can slay with the loveliest graphics.

There’s no set release date for this yet, but at the very least it means that Doom Eternal will likely keep getting supported into next year. Bethesda has also made this deal rather sweet: if you own the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One version of the game, you can grab the new PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X version for free. This way you don’t have to double dip just for having bought the game early.
While our site is mostly focused on the wonders that is Doom Eternal, Bethesda did also note that The Elder Scrolls Online will also get a PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X port. It has all the same benefits, including the free copy if you own the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One version of the game, so that’s rad as well.

While we may not know when you can grab the next-gen version of Doom Eternal, you can grab the PC version of the game right now.