DOOM Eternal Official Launch Trailer Is A Festival Of Carnage
I think I’ve officially peaked on DOOM Eternal hype. With yesterday’s combo of the DOOM heavy metal choir, the DOOMicorn, and DOOM 64, I’m about as ready as any mortal can be to slay the legions of hell. Just give it to me already! Unfortunately, we’ll have to wallow in purgatory another week until DOOM Eternal drops on March 20th. Until then, maybe the new trailer can soothe your bloodlust.

In the trailer above, we get to see the Doom Slayer doing Doom Slayer things. Slaying the Dooms and all that. There were even some kills I hadn’t seen before. Like this one, where you rip out a dude’s heart while you stare him dead in the eyes.

There’s also a new giant demon, who looks right pissed. I think it’s their newest version of Pinky, DOOM‘s demonic mascot.

At any rate, I can hardly wait! You can pick up DOOM Eternal for $60 on March 20th for the Xbox One, PC, PS4, and Stadia. If you want to learn more about the Steam edition, click here.