Children of Morta Reveals Roadmap For Future Content
I’ve heard tell Children of Morta is pretty damn good. I wouldn’t know, since I haven’t had the chance to play it. That one was actually reviewed by DreadXP’s resident funnyman, Jesse. But I read his review, and he gave it a 3.5/5. Which is pretty high for him, considering he gave Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order a 2.5/5. So therefore I can confidently state that Children of Morta is at least 40% better than Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. There, now you have a box quote.

If you’re like Jesse and liked Children of Morta, then rejoice. Developer Dead Mage recently unveiled their plans for new content. In the form of a stylish map, they plotted their road for content into the new year. Starting with the Shrine of Challenge and a new difficulty, the roadmap leads us all the way to their planned Uncharted Lands expansion. All of the DLC is free up until the expansion. Another note, the “Random Encounter” is actually a piece of content and not just flavor. Here’s more info on the DLC from the Official Press Release:
- Shrine of Challenge (I) introduces hard difficulty and an item pack with more than 20 new items including Charms, Divine Graces and Divine Relics.
- Setting Sun Inn (II) invites you to New Game+ mode in which players carry their unlocked characters, skill tree, Morv, and Workshop Upgrades into a new playthrough after completing the game.
- Random Encounter (!) means what it says and says what it means – you’ll never know what you might find here!
- In the Bergsons’ House (III) a new playable character awaits.
- The Fellowship Sanctuary (IV) adds the much anticipated online co-op to the game.
- Temple of the Endless (V) contains a series of arenas with waves of enemies, mini-bosses, and a new boss. This Endless Mode fully supports online co-op.
- The Treasure (VI) update will contain more than 30 new items including Charms, Divine Graces and Divine Relics.
- All this should prepare you for The Uncharted Lands (VII). The next journey for the Bergson family will be a brand new DLC chapter with a main quest and a home event, another playable hero, new enemies, and a new boss.
Children of Morta is out now for PS4, Switch, Xbox One, Windows, Mac, and Linux. No word yet on how much the Uncharted Lands DLC will cost, but you can get the main game for just $21.99. Which I guess is a real price? For more info, you can click here to check out the game on Steam.