Brutal 2D Shooter BUTCHER Available Free During GOG Sale
As part of the GOG “Made in Poland” games sale, 2D platformer-shooter BUTCHER will be free for the next two days. Created by developers Phobia Game Studio and Transhuman Design (who recently released the equally brutal Carrion), BUTCHER is basically like Hatred but good. In it you play as an exceedingly angry cyborg whose mission is to kill every last living human.

With a handful of weapons of which you may use to butcher, BUTCHER plays a lot like a 2D Quake. You can’t simply tank damage than go to cover. Ammo and health packs are limited and enemies are hard to kill (not individually, but like, as a whole). You’ve got to be fast and ferocious if you want to not only survive but also complete your bloodthirsty mission.

BUTCHER will be available for the next 35ish hours by the time this is published. You can pick up the game for free here. And to see the rest of the Made in Poland sale, click here.