Blizzard Announces New Rogue Class For Diablo 4
Announced during today’s Blizzcon was the latest class for the highly anticipated Diablo 4. Joining the ranks of the Druid, Sorceress, and the Barbarian is the Rogue. This class is for those who like a long ranged strike. But like, not one that comes from a bear or a lightning bolt or a large man leaping fifty meters. You know what I mean.

Bearing stark similarity to the Demon Hunter of Diablo 3 and the Assassin/Amazon of Diablo 2, the Rogue is a dexterity-y character that specializes in bows, traps, and all things you would associate with a roguish character. However, like all the classes, there appear to be some significant changes to make the Rogue feel like something new.

There are three specializations for the Rogue. We see a bit of the Shadow Realm specialization in the Diablo 4 trailer. The Rogue can summon ethereal clones, apparently imbued with various elements, to assist in battle. There’s also the Exploit Weakness ability, which lets you deal extra damage with well-timed strikes. And the final is Combo Points, which, presumably, means that you rack up combos for extra damage or abilities. There’s also a horse, which is news to me.

Diablo 4 will not be released for a good long time, possibly 2022. For more information, you can watch the Blizzcon stream by clicking here.