5 Free Horror Games and Demos to Overcome the Monday Blues
Welcome back! Hope you’re having a good day, despite the fact that it’s Monday. I don’t much like Mondays myself. There’s always a pile of work waiting for me. But you know what I do like? Games. You know what I like even more? Free games. In fact, there’s no better way to lighten up a Monday than with free games. I’m sure you feel the same. If you do, I have a surprise for you. Here are some of my favorite free horror games and demos! Bonus: they are all developed by Hispanic developers!
Omen Of Sorrow
This free demo for Omen of Sorrow is actually quite feature complete. And it’s high up on my list for a variety of reasons. First, the Chilean team behind the game is made up of a diverse, experience bunch of folks. Second, it’s available not only on PC, but also on consoles. And finally, this is the only horror game to stray from the usual genres. No first-person survival, no point-and-click adventure. This is a balls-to-the-wall fighting game which celebrates the genre in a unique, fun and extremely violent way. I’m all for it. The icing on the cake? The heavy metal soundtrack. Hell. YES!

Hellbound – Survival Mode + Story Mode Demo
Hellbound is a bit more traditional than Omen of Sorrow. In fact, it’s very traditional. Like, 90’s shooter traditional. If you grew up playing DooM, Quake and Duke Nukem, then Hellbound is the game for you. The survival mode is actually a fairly straight-forward “stay alive for as long as possible mode”. But the story mode demo actually has a shareware feel to it, introducing you to the first layers in the bowels of hell. Want the game? It’s super cheap, to boot.
Doorways – Holy Mountains of Flesh + Old Prototype
Don’t tell me I’ve never given you anything! What’s best than free horror games and demos? More free horror games and demos! I’ve got another 2-for-1 for you. This time, it’s Doorways, one of the first multi-entry franchises in Latinx-developed gaming history. Created by Saibot Studios, the same great folks behind Hellbound, Doorways is a first-person horror adventure game. Featuring deep atmosphere and plenty of scares, this is a pretty awesome, if slightly conventional, horror gaming experience.
The Horror of Salazar House
This is such a cool, weird and unique game. The Horror of Salazar House was developed by Maldo19, friend of the house, and published by Torture Star Video. An adventure game made with very unique graphics? How about Virtual Boy-inspired graphics? This is a gothic point-and-click experience with plenty of different endings. No shortage of content! Free demo for your perusal. Full game is only a few buckaroos.
Produced by Senscape (formerly Nucleosys), Serena is a collaborative effort by more than 40 amazing artists. The list is long and illustruous, but it happens to include YouTuber extraordinaire Pushing Up Roses. It’s not very long, but this adventure game stills packs an almighty punch. In fact, it was given great reviews by Rock, Paper, Shotgun and True PC Gaming. The only issue with it, really, is that for some reason, its Steam widget doesn’t work. So, click the link below instead, and download this full, free horror game right now. You’ll be glad you did.