Salt And Sacrifice Announced During Summer Games Fest
Just now during the Summer Games Fest, we got the first announcement for Salt and Sacrifice. The original Salt and Sancuary, created by developer Ska Studios, was lauded as one of the best transitions of a Dark Souls-style game into a 2d platformer. Salt and Sacrifice looks to be a continuation of the hardcore 2d Soulslike gameplay.

The trailer did not reveal much about the premise of Salt and Sacrifice. Whereas the previous game had you exploring an island, this latest title seems to be in a more mountainous region, though a number of interesting biomes have been shown. Additionally, the preview showed that your character is of an anti-wizard templar order, hunting down evil mages.

Beyond that, there isn’t much more info on Salt and Sacrifice just yet. Hopefully new information about it will be available soon. In the meantime, play some Salt and Sanctuary to get hyped by clicking here.