Silent Hill Curse Continues; Fan Film Delayed By COVID
CD Media announced today that their Silent Hill fan film will be delayed for a while longer. Originally scheduled for November 27th, Silent Hill: Echoes has since been met with an unfortunate combination of circumstances. The release date has been moved back to 2021.

The fan reaction to Silent Hill: Echoes was incredibly positive. So much so that CD Media felt compelled to reshoot some scenes in a higher quality. “Once we saw how big the audience was, based on their response we knew we could do better and they deserve better. We agree with their input so we went back for reshoots,” according to co-producer Ken Cosentino.

But at the same time, the cases of COVID-19 in their locale of New York had been increasing rapidly. For the safety of their film crew, the studio was forced to put the Silent Hill: Echoes production on hold. Creator and DP Codey Dingfield stated that, “At the end of the day we’re bummed because we wanted to roll this out, but the health and wellness of everyone comes first.”

Silent Hill: Echoes will be released on this YouTube channel sometime in 2021.
soul of ight
did they not learn anything from silent hill? those that wear the mask for so long eventualy can not breath the air and die. i cult of the covid mask seperation,a nd makeing your immune system so waek the common cold kills you.