Mortal Kombat 11 DLC Trailer Shows Fluid Combat Of Classic Character Rain
There’s not enough colors in the visible light spectrum for us to turn into Mortal Kombat ninjas. We must turn back to the classics. Joining the Mortal Kombat 11 roster with this latest kombat pack, in addition to the classic Mileena as well as the also-classic-but-not-from-MK-classic Rambo , is Rain.

Rain is kind of a Mortal Kombat oddball. Despite having similar weather-based powers as Raiden and his brother (son? Father? Uncle? Nephew?) Fujin, Rain is more or less an easter egg. He’s Purple, his name is Rain, and he’s a Prince. I don’t need to spell it out.

As is to be expected, Rain will have a lot of abilities that involve rain. The main upgrade for Mortal Kombat 11 is that Rain now has what the Wikipedia page tells me is a jamadhar, which is a knife with two knives attached. He also has the ability to teleport to and from, as well as turn his entire body into liquid.

Rain will be available with the Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate edition, as well as individually in the Mortal Kombat 11 Kombat Pack 2. You can find them both on the MK website by clicking here.
Joshua Myers
Neat…where’s Ash Williams?