Ultra-Indie Daily Dose: The Debug™ Is A WarioWare Style Fever Dream
I hope you’re ready for maybe the most bizarre Daily Dose yet. The Debug™ is a game by Samer Khatib of Snowconesolid Productions. Well, a demo for a game. But if the final product is anything like what we see here, the result is going to be a masterpiece.

As far as the premise, this is going to be tough to describe. The first part of the demo has you doing a kind of WarioWare style minigames, all of them about shooting bugs. The second part devolves into a more standard horror experience as far as gameplay goes, but in concept this is all cuckoo bananas. Try it out.

You can and should try The Debug™ out on itch.io by clicking here. And be sure to follow Samer on Twitter by clicking here.