Isometric Zombie Game Undying Adds Survival Mode And Hordes
Developer Vanimals released a new update for their zombie survival game, UNDYING. Released into Early-Access back in October, this update seems to be the biggest one so far. There are two big features in this latest build, a survival mode and zombie hordes.

UNDYING follows the story of Anling and her young son Cody. Anling has been bitten, which means that her turning into a zombie is inevitable. She has precious little time left to teach her son the means for him to stay alive in an undead world. With teamwork and strategy, you might be able to remain safe from the zombies—and possibly even the humans.

The new Survival mode in UNDYING focused on gameplay rather than story. Survive until you can’t survive anymore. There is no saving in this mode, which makes it a bit of a roguelite experience. Not only that, the game now has zombie hordes as a new mechanic. You may encounter a group of zombies numbered so many that it would be impossible to kill them all. All you can hope to do is escape.

You can purchase UNDYING on Steam by clicking here.