Dying Light Starting 4th of July Event
For a limited time, players of first-person parkour zombie survival game Dying Light can partake in a special holiday event. Until July 8, Dying Light is on sale for 66% off. You can also pick up the Platinum Edition at a steep discount (75% off) while the offer lasts.
The event celebrates American Independence Day. Players can use fun and festive fireworks to blast infected roaming around on the streets of Harran. They’ll also snag some good loot to further encourage their burgeoning pyrotechnics habit. The Savvy Gamer Bundle is also available for purchase. It includes weapons, a player outfit, and a new skin to pay homage to what can only be described as “gamercore.” If you like RGB lights, be sure to give it a peep. In fact, the outfit is even called “1337 G4m3R Outfit.” The Savvy Gamer Bundle is available now on Steam. No confirmation on whether the 4wheelz buggy skin includes a gamer chair or not.

The event will run from July 1 to July 11. If the player can kill 50 infected with fireworks in that time, they receive a random Gold Melee Weapon. Globally, if enough 1337 G4m3Rs can work together and rack up 10,000,000 total kills, they’ll earn 3x King Mods. The Quartermaster allots five fireworks per in-game day.
Techland, founded in 1991, publishes Dying Light. Released in January 2015, it features death-defying parkour action on the rooftops of a city blighted by infected humans. Though sluggish during the day, the creatures become more active at night. The danger of nighttime escapades, however, can result in great rewards. 1-4 survivors can join together to sprint through the streets and leap between buildings. One player can also take control of an intelligent creature and attempt to hunt them down. A sequel, Dying Light 2 Stay Human, will release on all major consoles on December 7 of this year.